Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Hehehe

Hey all! 
Welcome to a new Top Ten Tuesday! This meme was started by The Broke and the Bookish, so I suggest you go check out their blog! :D 

This week’s theme is Top ten books that made me laugh (or at least chuckle). 

Let's get started!

1. Anything by Rick Riordan. Seriously, A-NY-THING!
2. We are all made of Molecules
3. Maximum Ride
4. Harry Potter
5. The Curse of the Sphinx
7. The Rest of us Just Live Here
8. Everything Everything
9. Paper towns

Ok I know this is really short but I have to get going! 
Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. YES, I completely agree! Anything by Rick Riordan is sure to put a smile on my face. He's just that good! :D


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this post!
Any and all comments make me smile, and I will reply to all of them!
I can reply in English, French, and sometimes in Dutch and German.
Have an absolutely fabulous day!