JLFADKS;F LDSKAFJSDLKF JADLS;F I just finished reading oh my gosh what no?!
Hey all!
I just finished reading Crown of Midnight, the second Throne of Glass book by Sarah J. Maas. Sorry for that first sentence, my thoughts are all over the place.
Crown of Midnight is the continuation of Celaena's story. She is now the king's 'Champion', or assassin, sent off to kill various people the king thinks are traitors. However, instead of killing these people, she lets them go, lying to the king. Then, the king asks her to kill someone she considers to be a friend. She gives him a choice - be killed or flee. In the meantime, ancient spells, magic, and love come together as a side story, making Celaena's life more and more complicated for her...
The book is beautifully paced, giving tiny hints along the way and then revealing everything like an explosion at the end! Celaena is an AMAZING character!! She goes from being super sweet and girly to being a crazy assassin kicking people/witch's/monsters butt! All for the right reasons, though ^-^
Major events are not predictable AT ALL, in my opinion! The story is so skillfully written and put together that every twist and turn of events is an amazing surprise!
OH. MY. GOSH. WHAT. WAS. THAT. ENDING!? (I literally continued reading as if I was about to read the next chapter and saw "Acknowledgements"... The struggle though!)
(okay I won't tell you what that ending was right away - if you already read the books, scroll down to the purple text! :D)
Okay I've said it and I'll say it again, if you haven't picked up this series yet, do so! Its such a great new high fantasy story, without being too crazy with the creatures! I love how much magic was actually in this. The book is perfectly balanced between magic, fighting, love, conflict, monsters, people, royalty and fae.
And now for the spoilery part :)
I love Chaol, but I'm still team Dorian. BUT everyone seems to be freaking out over another character (Rowan?) so I can't wait to meet this new guy! ;)
THE ENDING MESSED ME UP! Like oh my gosh Nehemia's death was awful, and then the Golllum-like creature, and the portals and Archer's death and she's a fairy princess? (okay that made no sense but you know what I mean if you read it!!) I really liked the fact that she actually knew about it, but didn't even show that she knew it until it was revealed at the end! You couldn't even guess that she was anything other than an assassin!
Guys I keep seeing Fleetfoot as a poodle or some other kind of tiny white dog even though that's not it AT ALL...
I can't wait until I get the next two books, it's probably going to be AMAZING!!!
I'm giving this book a wonderful 5 feathers! C:
What team are you on? What did you think of Crown of Midnight, and of Throne of Glass in general? How mind-blown were you by the end? :D
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