Saturday, August 17, 2019

Happy Book Lovers Day!

Hey, all! 

Happy book lover's day! (A week late, I know, but I've been running around a lot)

For this occasion, I decided to create a tag! Feel free to complete it, you are all automatically tagged! 

1. Which book are you currently loving? 
I just finished loving The Luxe by Anna Godbersen! It was a lovely and elegant about the New York high class in 1899. A review will be posted soon!

2. Which books do you love the most? 
The series closest to my heart is most likely Percy Jackson and the Olympians, by Rick Riordan. My love for these book is immeasurable. 

3. You can hug any book character - which do you choose? 
James Carstairs ok? I'll say it over and over again. 

4. Which book did you not love so much? 
I had a really difficult time with The Truth and Lies of Ella Black, by Emily Barr. However I'm really curious about another one of her books! 

5. What is the most bookish habit you have?
The second-hand book section at the bookstore has become my second home. Unless it's a release I've been anxiously waiting for, I will likely wait to see it on a second hand shelf and/or online before I buy it. I know it's not the best habit, but I'm a student, okay? Money's a thing. 

6. Who's your bookish OTP?
Maybe not my top one, but one that should be discussed nonetheless. I loved America and Maxon's relationship in The Selection. They're so perfect together it's almost too much! 

7. Describe your ultimate book: genre, format, tropes, etc! 
I would love to read a magical realism book that's light on the magic, with a beautiful yet simple hardcover. No insta love or love triangle, more a relationship that's not obvious yet is still beautiful. Maybe a fallen hero story? I don't want battle scenes that are too extensive, but definitely do want conflict and intrigue. 

8. Which book do you think everyone should read? 
The Giver, by Lois Lowry. Again, I'll say it over and over. 

9. Honestly, do you ever buy books because of their cover? 
All the time, did so just two days ago! 

10. Tag some other booklovers! 
I tag you all! <3 

I hope you enjoyed this little tag I put together! 
Stay bookish! 

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Have an absolutely fabulous day!