Saturday, January 5, 2019

2018 review, 2019 wishes

Hello, Dragonflies, and Happy New Year! 

I hope that 2019 bright you and your loved ones a lot of joy, and, if any major difficulties come your way, I hope it gives you the strength to come out the other side of these difficulties stronger :) 

2018 brought a lot of ups and downs and was, generally, a complicated year. With two moves, the end of a degree, family occurrences, the start of a new degree, writing a thesis, finding out about HSP... It's been quite a ride! I barely managed my Goodreads goal of 40 books (most of which were re-reads!), but I took more time to purely enjoy the reading process. 

I know I'm late to the new year bandwagon. We've had a lot of people over! But I still wanted to take a little bit of time to wish you all good things in 2019! 

For this year, I've set myself a Goodreads goal of also 40 books. There will still be many re-reads, because I find a certain comfort in them when times are crazy. I want to read more books that I choose for myself as well. This means there will most likely more talk of  books that are not YA - I have some general fantasy books and some nonfiction high up on my TBR for 2019! I'm currently reading the Trials of Apollo and am loving them, so I might also just purely binge all things Rick Riordan! 

I'm not going to set any big reading or blogging goals. Sure I want to blog more often, as there is something wholly therapeutic about writing thoughts and opinions down in this way. But I don't want it to become a pressure like Instagram became at the end of the year. I'm going to start posting what I want to post, rather than try to follow a schedule of any sort. 

However, I do want to do one thing this year, and that is to spend more time on my other hobbies. This has been difficult for travel and weather purposes - archery is difficult when the only day the range is open is on Saturdays during which you usually visited friends. But most of my friends will be gone across Europe for the rest of the academic year, so I'll be travelling less. I want to shoot more and get better. I want to take the time to bake cakes and take care of myself by doing the things I enjoy. Some things I want to take up include better photography and nail art! 

2019 has already introduced me to some things I'll be facing: full-time internships, operations for people I care for, and some of my best friends leaving to study abroad... but I'm going to do everything to make the best of every moment I have. 

And finally, I need to learn to just do it. Stop putting things off, or hesitating, or being scared of mathematics that come across some of my courses. I need to reduce my hesitations this year. 

Well this ended up being more of a diary entry than anything else! 

Do you have any specific goals you want to achieve this year? 

Stay bookish! 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your reading, shooting, and baking! I also want to spend more time on other hobbies this year. Sometimes it seems like work and reading are the only things I do.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!


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