Yayyy another bookish talk!

~New Shelves~
I GOT A NEW SHELF! I know the picture is a bit dark: but there’s the before and after pictures!
I finally have more room! I did have to get rid of my instagram-area to install the shelf, but there’s no regrets! <3
~Book Haul~
... Guys...
I’m waiting for 12 books in the mail...
Well 11 actually, I received one, Maximum Ride Forever, today. I’m so glad my MaxRide collection is finally complete! I might have to do a re-read though, just because I don’t remember much from them, just little things... But it’s an easy series to fly through.
I just realized the pun... it wasn’t intended I promise!
But yes! Bookoutlet’s taking its sweet time to send me 5 books, waiting for lady midnight, and my mom surprised me by ordering the Iron Fey series as a box set! It’s been on my wish-list for a while now, and I can’t believe I haven’t gotten to them yet!
I also ordered a SIGNED COPY of Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas and I’m so excited to get it! :D
Is anyone else worried about how the Allegiant movie may turn out, but wants to see it anyway? I know I do!
~read-along event?~
I’d love to do another read-along event like I did with Erika in October! If you aren’t aware, we read through the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series throughout the month and had a whole discussion day, mythology day, and review day going on. It was intense, but so much fun!!
I would really enjoy doing another one! If anyone is interested and/or has a suggestion, let me know! :D
~Currently Reading~
Look out for another Glass Sword review! I’m over 100 pages in, and I don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting a Mockingjay vibe from it for now, but it’s really good so far!
And that’s it for this time! :D
Have a lovely day!
AHHHH, I'm so jealous of your new shelves! I really desperately need more shelf space. I've stacked books in front of books and stacked them in every way possible to make them fit. >.<
I want to see the movie Allegiant, but like you, I'm really hesitant on whether or not it will be good. The trailer looks nothing like the book...I mean, it looks good as a movie, but as a movie adaptation, it doesn't seem that great. :/ But I want to see it, if only to support the franchise and the author!
Ooooh, I'm down to do another reread with you! Last time was so much fun :) However, because of school and exams, the earliest I could start would be mid April or so :(
But in the meantime, is there a good series you want to read? :D
Right, I just took over your comments section, so sorry!
Oh hey, you have a banner now! It looks really nice ^.^
DeleteYes I got a banner! (Might have to blame that on procrastination)
DeleteHehe I’m so glad I got them! :D Hopefully you’ll find a way to make them all fit!
YES I got it in the mail two days ago and it’s so nice! Only, I didn’t realize it’d be the UK edition so it looks totally different from the rest of my Throne of Glass series, but it’s okay XP
That’ would be the case for me as well, I’m quite busy in March actually! It was so fun last time! I’m actually not sure, I’d love to read the Graceling trilogy again!
Hahah it’s okay XD
Sounds like a plan! I haven't read the Graceling trilogy, but I've heard nothing but good things about it, and it's really high on my TBR list. This will be the perfect opportunity for me to read it! :D
DeleteAwesome then! :D Do you have all 3?
DeleteI’m really excited about this, not enough people have read these in my opinion!
I don't have them, but I plan to get them! :)
DeleteAlright! :D Let me know when you want to do the read-along! I already have all 3, so (basically) any time works for me