Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Once Upon A Time - Series Thoughts

Hello, Dragonflies

So I just finished re-watching (the first 6 seasons of) Once Upon a Time. I started watching OUAT with my dad when the first episode came out in Europe. Since then, I watched every episode as they were released! However, I haven't taken the time to binge the series. 

Until now. 

And let's just say, I have a lot of thoughts! 

Some a very random (ok, most are very random), but they all have a point! Sorta! Ok maybe not ^^

  • Snow and Charming are adorable both in-show and IRL, and their story is so lovely! 
  • I forgot how dark this show actually is! In high school so many people would say it's a kids show but there's some seriously messed up stuff! 
  • Baby Henry is too cute
  • I don't care if Hook is a villain at first, he's my favourite character. He's kind yet tortured and is growing past what he's done and he's committed and thoughtful and hot and we all need someone like him in our lives
  • HAHA dwarves hatch out of eggs! 
  • Oh dear fast forward pregnancies
  • These guys have no peace - one baddie is defeated and BOOM new curse
  • Regina is so interesting! I'm so happy things turned out well for her! 
  • OUAT Anna is 100% relatable
  • Rumplestiltskin has such contrasting personalities, I always find it hard to trust him. 
  • Season 1: Only one magic bean is left in all the realms. Season 6: Magic Beans have solved 99% of all problems 
  • I love how Leroy's always the one to be like WE GOT A PROBLEM, PEOPLE, always while dramatically bursting into a room with other dwarves in tow
  • Red ate her boyfriend while she was a wolf. Ew. 
  • Dark Hook is so cool 
  • I love how each of the 'good' characters can also play evil roles really well! 
  • David and Snow are awesome. Again. They always have a plan even when there is nothing logical to do.
  • Ok Hades was cool until he got sappy for Zelena in the fakest relationship in the show. NOT COOL to torture Hook though! 
  • The Hercules arc was perfect
  • Ok I thought that the musical episode would make me cringe but I absolutely adored it, it was everything the show stands for, with Disney-like music, and an ending that properly made me cry tears of joy for the characters
  • What did make me cringe was when they changed actors for some characters. Killian's brother Liam? Cinderella? Young Baelfire? Short-haired Rumple? (Ok I realise that doesn't count but it was odd!)
  • Epic Merida arc 
  • I don't get what's so attractive about Gold. So many people in the series just love him and ew no

That's it for now I think! Very random post, I know, but this show makes me smile, every time! It really does well in conveying the hope it talks about, in the long run. 

Stay bookish, 

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