Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Mini Reviews 3

Hey, all! 

With no-exams-during-exam-week and bookfairs, I've had a lot of opportunities to read what I want! However I've been a bad blogger and haven't been reviewing every book one at a time (oops). So without further ado, here's my third set of mini-reviews. Hopefully I'll be better at reviewing in the upcoming months! 

1. Clockwork Princess, by Cassandra Clare
Ok so by now it's no surprise this is one of my favorite books - I just ordered a signed copy because I could not resist it! I do have some more thought-out book reviews (check out the review page!) for this book that basically sum up my fangirl feels! I re-read this apart from the previous two instalments because the D&D campaign I'm now running includes Jem, Tessa and Will and I wanted to read it again for reference :) 

Naturally, 5/5 stars! 

2. The Clockwork Scarab, by Colleen Gleason 
This is a London-based steampunk I picked up on BookOutlet! Imagine references to Sherlock Holmes, Vampires, Dracula, Ancient Egypt, superhuman strength and time travel, wrapped up in about 300 pages. I liked where this book was going, but I found myself lost in all of the quirks there were to consider! However, I did like the writing style Colleen offered, and the re-imagined niece of Sherlock was a fun character to follow! There were times where I could make literal parallels with Clockwork Angel, but I'm not sure this was done on purpose. Overall I enjoyed reading it, it was fun, but I'm not going to pick up the second book. 

3/5 stars from me! 

3. Creatures Fantastique, by Kaziya
Another Manga? Caro are you becoming a manga fan? Maybe! This was one of the books I picked up at Livre Paris last week and I read in a day! It's a super cute story about a medical specialist and his apprentice, who go around discovering magical creatures and finding ways to heal them. Very wholesome with a background story that I found to be very fun to follow! This Manga is set in a world in which science is taking over the minds of a population that once believed in magic, which is such an interesting setting!

Super adorable, 4/5 stars! 

4. Kids of Appetite, by David Arnold
David Arnold is one of the authors I had the pleasure of meeting almost 2 years ago, he's such a cool guy! I finally read KoA and enjoyed it a lot! The main characters, Vic and Mad are quite heartwarming and yes super real, while all the side characters have a real purpose and are not just there to be figures. I had a great time reading about the developments between Vic and the other Chapters, however Coco might have been my favorite character! The only thing I have 'against' this book is that is was very John Green-like. I love JG's books but this had the same pattern present in most of his books. David I saw your voice in Mosquitoland so clearly, bring it back! 

This was a healthy 4/5 stars for me! 

That's it for today! I have a lot of books I am planning on reading soon so look out for more full reviews! (Hopefully!) 

Stay bookish, 


  1. Haha, I know the feeling of reading literally everything you can get your hands on once you have some free time! Clockwork Princess is such a special book (JEM TESSA WILL!!!).
    Ooohhh, Creatures Fantastique sounds really good! I used to read a lot of manga a few years ago, but haven't found anything good recently, so I might have to take a look at it ;D

    1. Special is one way to put it! I just received signed copy cus I just needed it on my shelf!
      Idk if CF is out in English yet but I hope it is, it was so cutE!


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