Friday, March 20, 2020

Hello from Forced Introversion

Hello from forced introversion! 

For now, it is quite sunny here in France! We're not allowed to leave our house, but we do have a nice little garden we can go to for fresh air. I understand not everyone has one, but at least nobody will be yelled at for being outside for a few minutes. 

Here, we do need a permission slip to go out to buy groceries. This is a bit weird for us, but it'll just take some getting used to! At least we can order anything we need for the house! I was even able to order new D&D dice and an Owlcrate! 

I have loads of time now! All my homework is done and I have a lot of time to read and play games, and I can still call my friends every evening! I'm very happy to be home. 

Some things are definitely weird though. I quickly had to leave my room in the Netherlands, and I probably won't be back until September! That's a long time from now, and I have some things that I'm kinda sad I won't see until then! Some nice clothes, signed books, candles, CDs, textbooks, stuffed animals... it is weird that so many of my things are so far. 

And my friends are all in the Netherlands too! But thank goodness we can call online on Discord and play games together. 

Here they are doing a lot of good things because of the forced introversion. Classes are being held on TV, radios are hosting gym classes, and people are being very kind to those in need! It is good to see this :) Even hotels and taxis are free for people who need them! 

How are you? I hope that you are enjoying your forced introversion, too. What is that like for you? Looking forward to hearing from you! 

Many hugs, 


Hey, all! I'm thinking of writing these postcards once a week. I'm a postcard collector and I was thinking it could be fun to write one about this forced introversion we are all going through, both as a 'diary' and as posts. 

Stay bookish and stay at home! 


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